
Top 10 Tips for Flying Clubs to Maximize Coverage and Minimize Premiums

07/15/2020 Written by: AP Aerospace

When setting up a flying club, or managing an existing flying club, there are several things you can do to make yourself more attractive to an underwriter. By making yourself more desirable to an underwriter, you can maximize your coverage and minimize the premiums you pay. Here are our Top 10 Flying Club tips:

  1. Pilot to Aircraft Ratio – Set a maximum of 10 members per aircraft.
  2. Age of Pilots – Member pilots under the age of 70 will receive more favorable rates.
  3. Training – Outline (in detail) your specific safety seminar, mandatory training, and proficiency requirements for your members.
  4. Claims-Free – Having claims will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the premium you pay. Having a culture of safety will go a long way toward a goal of remaining claims-free.
  5. Pilot Roster – Keep a current pilot roster of only those pilots that are current flying members. Non-flying members should not be included on the pilot roster.
  6. Equity Club – Equity clubs (members being owners of the club aircraft) typically enjoy lower premiums than non-equity clubs because underwriters believe with members owning a share of the aircraft, better care and caution ensue.
  7. Safety / Security – Detail the specific steps the club takes to ensure safe operations, control access to aircraft, and track maintenance items.
  8. Club By-Laws – Produce and maintain club by-laws that outline club expectations for members.
  9. Lower Cost Aircraft – Aircraft hull values significantly affect the total annual premium. Lower cost aircraft will help keep your premiums down.
  10. Aircraft Type – Fixed tricycle gear, Standard Airworthiness aircraft are less expensive to insure than complex, tailwheel, or experimental aircraft.

Our aviation insurance experts at AssuredPartners Aerospace are adept at helping flying clubs navigate the aviation insurance market. Please contact our specialists to discuss coverage for your flying club.

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