Original post/article–> The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued final regulations on April 9, 2018, related to guidance on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions which include Essential Health Benefits (EHBs), Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Maximums, and Marketplace updates and reforms. These final regulations are generally effective for plans and plan years beginning on and after January 1, 2019. Final rule improvements include:
greater flexibility to states for determining EHBs,
reduction to some regulatory requirements in the individual and small group markets, and
provides annual benefit provision updates.
These final regulations are primarily focused on individual and small group Marketplace updates and reforms, but the EHB benchmark plan changes will have some effect on large group health plans as well. Essential Health Benefits (EHBs) For plan years beginning on and after January 1, 2020, states can either follow their current rules and maintain the 2017 benchmark plans or they may select a new EHB benchmark plan annually from one of the following:
Choose another state’s 2017 benchmark plan – allows states to select another state’s 2017 benchmark plan and implement the plan benefits and limits to their own EHB standards, such as changing benefits with dollar limits to non-dollar limits.
Replace one or more of the 10 required EHB categories of benefits under its current 2017 benchmark plan with the same categories from another state’s 2017 benchmark plan – giving states the ability to make precise changes to their 2017 benchmark plans at the coverage detail level.
Otherwise, select a new set of benefits to become its benchmark plan – provided the plan meets other specified requirements.
These three options are also subject to additional requirements, including two scope of benefits conditions which confirms that their new/modified benchmark plans provide:
scope of benefits that is equal to, or greater than, the scope of benefits provided under a “typical employer plan,” and
no more generous than the most generous of a set of comparison plans.
HHS’s final guidance can be found here. States have until July 2, 2018 to submit their 2020 EHB benchmark plan to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). 2019 Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Maximums (applied to all non-grandfathered plans, regardless of size or funding type)
Individual Coverage – $7,900
Family Coverage – $15,800
Marketplace Regulations Marketplace provisions, effective January 1, 2019:
Deferring the network adequacy reviews for qualified health plan (QHP) certification to the states
Loosening the audit process for agents, brokers and issuers who participate in the direct enrollment process
Updating the risk adjustment model for insurers with high-cost enrollees
Modifying the requirements for Marketplaces to verify eligibility for, and enrollment in, qualifying employer-sponsored coverage
Not specifying 2019 standardized plan options (know as simple choice plans)
Updating special enrollment period (SEP) rules for coverage effective dates specific to SEPs that allow adding or changing dependents
Adding a new SEP for pregnant women who were receiving coverage through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) but lose that access
Allowing Marketplaces to determine individual affordability exemptions based on affordability of the lowest-cost metal level plan available
Allowing enrollees to request same-day termination of coverage
Removing several Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) requirements for online enrollment
Other Market Reforms
Streamlining the rate review process for states and issuers, including when rates are posted by the states, increasing the threshold at which rate increases require review from 10% to 15%, and establishing a process for states to request a higher threshold.
Modifying the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rules, including simplifying quality improvement activity reporting requirements for issuers and establishing a process for states to use to request adjustments to the 80% MLR standard in the individual market.
Expanded Individual Mandate Hardships New hardship exemptions include people who:
Live in a county, borough, or parish in which no QHP is offered
Live in a county, borough, or parish in which there is only one issuer offering coverage and can show that the lack of choice resulted in them failing to obtain coverage under a QHP
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