Driving Action with Communications

02/12/2023 Written by: David Schlosser

Communication is where the rubber hits the road for your employee benefit offerings! The messages sent to employees are a spark meant to ignite action, so make sure the desired actions are clear. If you don’t know what you’re asking employees to do, neither will they.


During Open Enrollment, the action might be:
  1. Read their employee benefits guide
  2. Enroll in their benefits plan
  3. Check their first paystub of the plan year to ensure payroll contributions are accurate
Early in the Plan Year, the action might be:
  1. Scheduling preventive care visits for themselves and dependent(s)
  2. Develop wellness goals using their medical carrier’s tools
  3. Install the telehealth app so it’s readily available in a time of need
  4. Remember the Employee Assistance Program is no cost and available if needed
Mid-year, the action might be:
  1. Double-check their plan coverages so they know what’s available
  2. Review 401(k) contributions and balance to determine if they’re on schedule for retirement
  3. Research local urgent and emergency care options so they’re known prior to being needed
Later in the plan year, the action might be:
  1. Compare pharmacy prices to make sure they’re getting the best deal
  2. Review annual healthcare expenses to determine if they’re enrolled in the right plans
  3. Check Flexible Spending Account (FSA) balances to ensure those dollars are used


This year don’t leave employees guessing what to do! Don’t ask them to enroll in their benefits or make complex decisions about their lives, families, and future without giving them the most valuable information. Employee benefits communications are a means to educate them in making the best-informed benefit selections suited for their lives. Not sure which mediums are best to use when sending benefits information? Check out our article about communicating to your workforce’s different generations.


Ready to get started?

Contact your AssuredPartners account manager today to schedule a meeting with their communications department. They are dedicated to improving your employees’ experience and are ready to work with you to put together a plan!

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