
Power through Partnership


The professionals at AssuredPartners specialize by product expertise and client industry to manage risks and resolve client issues quickly. Our teams are dedicated to delivering innovative insurance solutions to protect individuals, families, and businesses of all types and sizes.


Natural Disaster Preparedness

Prepare in advance of a natural disaster to help protect your family, your business, and your property.

Randy Larsen
Randy Larsen
Chief Executive Officer

"The collaboration of our teammates leads to our success."

We excel in fostering partnerships with successful regional and local firms who match our passion for providing clients with best-in-class asset protection and unparalleled service.

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Help the world prepare for the unexpected.  Grow your career alongside the best people in the business.

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Future Agency Partners

Fuel growth, retain key accounts, develop top talent. Secure your future.  Partner with us.

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Creative Return-to-Work Strategies

One of the challenges faced by companies today is managing employee return-to-work (RTW) programs following injuries, particularly when on-site accommodations aren't feasible. We recently hosted a...

Ringing in the New Year with Wellness

Burnout, financial stress, mental health. These aren’t just buzzwords anymore, they’re the soundtrack to many workplaces today. Employees are yearning for more than just paychecks and ping pong...

Understanding Additional Insured Endorsements in Construction Contracts

In the construction industry, contracts define relationships, responsibilities, and expectations among contractors, subcontractors, and owners. One of the most important yet often misunderstood...

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