
Agribusiness Products & Services

Customized Specifically to the Needs of the Agriculture Industry

At AssuredPartners, our agriculture industry specialists have a vast amount of knowledge and experience when it comes to risks associated with traditional agriculture businesses, food growing and processing businesses, and farm operations. We'll review and asses your insurance program and risk management needs to help protect your business against these risks and protect your bottom line. We pride ourselves on our ability to thoroughly review your exposures, without overlooking or underestimating any potential threat of interference to your business. Our close ties with this industry allow us to stay apprised of the constant changes you face. We fully invest ourselves in the industry and the success of our clients.

With our exceptional market access, safety consulting, and claims management services, we consistently provide high-quality solutions that consistently exceed our clients' high standards. We specialize in:

  • Aquaculture
  • Cannabis
  • Chemical & Fertilizer
  • Dairies/creameries
  • Diversified Ag/Cooperatives
  • Feedlots
  • Food Manufacturing
  • Fuel haulers/Petroleum
  • Grower/Packer/Shipper
  • Hops
  • Hydroponics
  • Logging
  • Nurseries/Greenhouses
  • Orchards
  • Poultry – growers vs. aggregators
  • Swine Operations – growers vs. aggregators
  • Vineyards

Commercial products include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Property Coverage
  • Boiler and Machinery
  • Business Interruption
  • Inland Marine
  • General Liability
  • Product Liability
  • Professional Errors and Omissions Liability
  • Umbrella Liability
  • Automobile Liability and Physical Damage
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Foreign Property and Casualty Coverage
  • Directors and Officers
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Fiduciary Liability
  • Crime Coverage
  • Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion
  • Aircraft and Watercraft
  • Environmental/Pollution Liability
  • Cyber / Data Risk
  • Pollution Liability
  • Seedsman Liability
  • Agribusiness Consulting Errors and Omissions
  • Worldwide Products Liability

An understanding of the production and financial risks associated with raising a crop, combined with a superior knowledge of crop insurance products, enables us to tailor a risk management package specific to your operation. We have a team dedicated to delivering you with the options needed to ensure your operations production and financial risks are secured. We believe in protecting those that “feed the world,” and we take pride in passionately supporting those involved in production agriculture.

  • Federal Crop Solutions

Federal crop insurance programs are the risk management backbone for over 85% of American farmers. When it comes to listening to your needs and analyzing your options, AssuredPartners Agribusiness team of specialists are prepared to deliver.

Whether it is Revenue Protection (RP), Yield Protection (YP), Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP), Area Revenue Protection (ARP), Area Yield Protection (AYP), Actual Production History (APH), Dollar Insurance, Pasture Rangeland Forage (PRF), or any of the other unique plans available in the federal crop insurance’s array of solutions, AssuredPartners is uniquely qualified to provide clear explanations and personalized service.

  • Private Crop Solutions

Although Federal Crop Insurance is a solid foundation to an operation’s risk management needs, many farmers find significant gaps in their protection. This is where additional named peril and private products fit.

Most often, we find these additional tools in the form of different types of hail coverage, ranging from straight hail with and without deductibles, companion plans, and production hail. All offer solutions for varying cost and coverage needs and can be a strong complement to overall crop risk management needs.
We continue to see a rise and need for additional private product solutions beyond our traditional hail products. This is where the MPCI enhancement products come to play. Often found in forms designed to complement and increase coverage beyond the traditional Federal Crop Insurance, these MPCI enhancement products are great solutions to capture the additional multi-peril liabilities needed to manage gaps you might have in your standard risk management package.

  • Parametric Insurance

Parametric insurance is an innovative and efficient risk management tool that provides swift financial protection by using predetermined parameters to trigger payouts. One of the significant advantages of parametric insurance is its versatility and adaptability to various sectors and industries. It is commonly used in agriculture to protect farmers against weather-related risks like droughts or excessive rainfall, ensuring stability in crop production and financial security for farmers. In addition, parametric insurance can be applied to catastrophe insurance, providing coverage against events such as earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes. Businesses can also benefit from parametric insurance for mitigating risks associated with business interruption, supply chain disruptions, or even changes in commodity prices.

No matter the type of farm or ranch, AssuredPartners is well positioned to help protect your operation with a customized program.

  • Large Commercial Growers
  • Packers
  • Equine Farms
  • Dairy Herds
  • Vineyards
  • Feedlots
  • Confinements

Forestry is one of America’s original industries, and AssuredPartners works to keep it moving strongly into the future. Our robust connection to the forest products industry helps us meet the ever-changing needs of forestry businesses. We provide a variety of products and the most appropriate insurance coverages for:

  • Logging contractors
  • Sawmill operators
  • Foresters
  • Timberland owners
  • Hunt club participants
  • And more

Agribusiness Blog

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Grain entrapments are down 36 percent in 2023, according to Purdue University's Agricultural Safety and Health Program's latest "2023 Summary of U.S. Agricultural and Confined-Space Related Injuries...

Emergency Suspension of DCPA: Implications for Agriculture and Health

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