
Employee Benefits Captive Services

Our team of experts is ready to discuss with you the value that membership in an employee benefits captive can provide

There’s a lot to consider when joining a captive. Our team of experts is ready to discuss with you the value that membership in an employee benefits captive can provide. Tell us your needs, and we will help you clarify what matters most. Together, we can create a personalized plan based on your input.

The Challenge

With traditional insurance, companies struggle with lack of transparency, absence of flexibility in plan design, and rising costs. Two other important pieces missing from traditional insurance programs are reward for good performance and lack of peer support and sharing of risk.

This leads to the problems that are inherent in traditional insurance, which leaves employers with three options: Give up; keep doing what they’re doing; or embrace change.

The Solution

Our employee benefits captive experts can help clarify your company’s perspective on tolerance for risk, importance of employee wellbeing, effects of culture on costs, education of employees regarding understanding and using the current benefits plan, and leadership’s appetite for change. The answers will help to determine what matters most to your organization and whether a captive is the right fit.

Our Employee Benefits Team will work with you to design a custom solution specific to your benefit needs. Together, we will decide on cost containment strategies, claim assistance, educational communications, and programs, as well as compliance and analysis services you need.

We provide:

  • Captive Structure Design / Management Selection
  • Plan Design (Medical / Ancillary)
  • Insurance Carrier Negotiation Assistance (Administrative / Network Fees / Rate Guarantee / Wellness Credit
  • Cost Containment Strategies (Stop Loss Deductible Level / Employee Contributions)
  • Sharing Benefits Knowledge, Industry Insights, Experience & Business Expertise
  • Pharmacy Benefit Management (Carve Out Initiatives)
  • Third-Party Administration Coordination & Selection
  • Service Coordination
  • Claim Data Tracking & Analysis
  • Claim Negotiation / Management
  • Claim Advocacy & Assistance / Loss Prevention Assistance
  • Claim Reporting Coordination
  • Claim Reviews
  • Enrollment Portal Access
  • Educational Webinars
  • Online Reporting
  • Employer / Employee Communication & Engagement
  • Wellness Programs (Coaching / Chronic Conditions / Disease Management)
  • Actuarial Analysis
  • Benchmarking Data
  • Compliance recommendation
  • Carrier service coordination
  • Marketing safety efforts to underwriters

Contact us if you're ready to clarify what matters most.

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