
Captive Insurance and Alternative Risk Solutions


Our team of experts can walk you through the range of opportunities available for businesses committed to controlling costs, managing risk, and building a strong safety culture.  

Property & Casualty

Conventional insurance isn’t always the answer. It isn't always the most advantageous or strategic solution for an organization’s needs – that’s why at AssuredPartners, we offer options through our captive insurance and alternative risk solutions.

Our team of experts can walk you through the range of opportunities available for businesses committed to controlling costs, managing risk, and building a strong safety culture.

If you want greater control and clarity over your company’s insurance program, we are ready to discuss how your business can benefit from:

  • Performance-based pricing
  • Return of underwriting profit in the form of dividends
  • Long-term stabilization / Insulation from market cycles
  • No renewal surprises
  • Transparency over your insurance program expenses
  • Reduced costs

Employee Benefits

Benefits are a crucial component to attracting and retaining employees just as their performance is vital to an organization’s success. It makes sense to protect your business’s most valuable asset – its people. Is it time to break with traditional insurance and take control of your company’s employee health population management?

For businesses with an understanding of “risk for reward” and a willingness to share services and costs with other like-minded organizations, AssuredPartners has a solution. Our team of experts is ready to talk you through the value of membership in an employee benefits captive:

  • Stability: Long-term benefit strategy for your business
  • Flexibility: Custom build your benefits plan
  • Control: Better manage claims and regulate costs
  • Transparency: Access information on how every dollar is spent 

Let's explore whether captive insurance solutions are right for your business.

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Captives Blog

Understanding the Implications of Captive Domicile

Are you considering joining or starting a captive? Have you thought about the implications the captive’s domicile will have? With AM Best reporting that there are about 7,000 captives in the world,...

Woman turned around in chair and smiling
The Importance of Choosing the Right Captive Partners

Captive Risk Sharing and Management “An alternative risk program generally involves sharing risks with others, blending services and expenses, and building the best program not only for the entire...

Woman smiling at another woman while holding pen
A Beginner’s Guide to Captive Health Insurance

Are you new to the world of health insurance and wondering what captive plans have to offer? You’re in the right place! In this beginner’s guide, we’ll break down the basics of employee benefits...

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