
Property & Casualty Captives

Our experts will help you navigate the crucial factors to consider before pursuing a captive solution for your property & casualty insurance needs.

Our experts will help you navigate the crucial factors to consider before pursuing a captive solution. With our vast knowledge, proven track record, and unrivaled commitment, we are uniquely equipped to assist you in understanding the complexities of alternative insurance options.

Together we will examine:

What You Want to Accomplish

We assist with defining your financial and risk management objectives and then refining the details with clear options.

Selecting the Right Partners

Captives are member-owned insurance companies operating for the benefit of the members. It involves sharing risk and combining services and costs. Having the right partners is essential to building the best program for individuals as well as the entire membership.

Designing the Right Solutions

As your dedicated partner, we provide solutions for you. Risk control and claims management are designed and customized for each captive. Our teams work in tandem, building a comprehensive prevention plan to mitigate loss, create responsive communication, and gain control. We work with your internal team keeping safety front and center, and using lessons learned from every claim to continuously improve.

We provide:

  • Insurance Contract Assistance
  • Service Coordination
  • Action Plans
  • OSHA Citation Assistance and Recordkeeping
  • Risk Management
  • Claims Negotiation
  • Claim Advocacy and Assistance
  • Loss Run Coordination
  • Online Reporting
  • Property and Liability Claim Reviews
  • Workers’ Compensation Claim Reviews
  • KPA Risk Management Center
  • Educational Webinars
  • Return-to-Work Programs
  • Toolbox Talks
  • Supervisor Safety Management Training
  • Hazard Assessment
  • Risk Management Surveys
  • Benchmarking Data

  • Compliance Recommendations
  • Marketing Coordination

Ready to jump in together?

Captives Blog

Understanding the Implications of Captive Domicile

Are you considering joining or starting a captive? Have you thought about the implications the captive’s domicile will have? With AM Best reporting that there are about 7,000 captives in the world,...

Woman turned around in chair and smiling
The Importance of Choosing the Right Captive Partners

Captive Risk Sharing and Management “An alternative risk program generally involves sharing risks with others, blending services and expenses, and building the best program not only for the entire...

Woman smiling at another woman while holding pen
A Beginner’s Guide to Captive Health Insurance

Are you new to the world of health insurance and wondering what captive plans have to offer? You’re in the right place! In this beginner’s guide, we’ll break down the basics of employee benefits...

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