Team smiling and discussing a central document

Maintaining Social Wellness in a Hybrid World

01/17/2024 Written by: AP Employee Benefits

Remote and hybrid work arrangements have opened doors to industries and roles for a wide majority of the workforce; however, many organizations are weighing the impact these new models have had on their organization's culture and their employees' social well-being. According to a recent Gallup report, organizations that have actively engaged teams see 24-59% lower turnover rates. Organizations that have decided hybrid and remote work is here to stay are now looking for ways their workforce can remain connected and collaborative.

You can help your remote and hybrid employees feel connected by:

  • Hosting virtual social events including happy hours, networking opportunities, and fireside-style chats
    • According to a recent Gallup study, employees who are engaged in their work and have good working relationships with coworkers resulted in a 41% reduction in absenteeism.
    • Employers can have events scheduled at regular intervals and be promoted as colleague connection and networking events.
    • Encouraging the use of video during these calls gives an added piece of connection when employees can connect a face with a name. This also oftentimes leads to a more engaged team dynamic.
  • Regular check-ins for development and feedback
    • Scheduling regular calls with remote workers can promote connection with their supervisors. This is a great way to provide feedback on work product and identify opportunities for future training and development, as well as providing a chance to connect on a personal level.
  • Creation of Employee Resource Groups, or ERGs
    • Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more employers are implementing Employee Resource Groups, or affinity groups. These voluntary, employee-led groups bring employees together based on many factors including interests, job function, professional development, or geographic location.
    • These groups provide an additional sense of support and community with a space for connection and collaboration between groups who may not regularly interact on a day-to-day basis.
  • Introduction of connection and collaboration platforms
    • Organizations can leverage an internal intranet or web-based portal where employees can share and access information via discussion boards and other chat-like features on current events going on in the organization.
  • Provide in-person opportunities for professional development
    • Remote workers oftentimes only see coworkers when traveling to larger offices for meetings, or when attending industry conferences or seminars.
    • One study recently found that 60% of those surveyed would stay in a role with. advancement and development opportunities than change to a job with better pay.
    • This is especially true for millennials where 86% of respondents indicated they would not leave their roles if there were better training and development opportunities.
    • Providing remote workers the opportunity to experience these conferences with their colleagues can promote greater professional connection

Creating a collaborative culture and engaging environment allows remote and hybrid employees to remain connected to their colleagues. Is your organization open to exploring options for remote and hybrid worker-specific social wellness? Reach out to your local AssuredPartners representative for additional ways you can promote social wellbeing throughout your organization.


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