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Bundle With a Broker and Save on Insurance

01/09/2024 Written by: Personal Insurance Team

You’ve probably seen the commercials to bundle your home and auto with specific insurance companies, but did you know you can customize your options when you use a broker? You have policies for the many assets you have acquired, not just your home and car, and one provider might not offer solutions for all your insurance needs. An insurance broker represents several companies and can help guide you through the advantages of bundling with one or more providers. So, when you connect with an insurance broker’s agent, you’re connecting with all companies and brands they represent.

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Reduce Time Shopping Around

For most people, the search for insurance begins online and usually ends on a well-known company’s website, submitting a “Get a Quote” form. When requesting a quote, you’ll be prompted to plug in personal information to receive coverage options based on the questions you answer on their form. If you want to compare pricing to a variety of companies, expect to fill out that same information a few different times.

The policies companies offer may not fit your situation and they may not even offer bundling options for the products you have. While there may be a better solution out there for you, you will only have the options they can provide to choose from. Instead of obtaining 50+ insurance quotes yourself by filling out the same information for a variety of companies, working with a broker means you fill out your information once and an experienced agent shops on your behalf.

Opportunities to Save Money

An insurance broker's role is to present all options and ask you the right questions to ensure you are not only saving money on insurance but also providing assurance you have the right coverage. Our relationships with top-rated companies we work with allow us to leverage our partnership for discount opportunities that benefit our customers.
As new technology emerges every day, you may have done some home upgrades that can save you money you’re unaware of. Upgrades like installing security systems, roof replacements, or water sensors can contribute to a lower rate. Taking a self-defense driving course or considering a safe driving telematics program can lower your auto insurance . Maintaining low blood pressure and losing weight will not only keep you healthy, but it can save you money on your life insurance policy. A broker can quote you with companies that reward your efforts.

More Options, Less Confusion

Choosing a broker means you’re not held to just one insurance company’s rate and policy options. You can lean on a professional to answer questions that come up along the way and have them adjust your policy as needed. There should never be a one-size-fits-all insurance approach to your coverage and needs because what works for your neighbor or family member may not be the right fit for you. We empower our customers to feel confident about their coverage by educating them on their policies.

Bundle Up with Custom Coverage

If you need to bundle your home and motorcycle, we have you covered. If you need to bundle renters' insurance and car insurance, we can help with that, too. No person or family is the same – we all live different lives, and own or rent different houses and cars. Bundle up with the coverage that works for you and let us do the heavy lifting on your behalf. Get a quote with us.

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