Frozen trees around a street with a car visible

Protect Your Property From A Winter Freeze With These 10 Tips

01/10/2024 Written by: Brad Hagey

Freezing rain and low temperatures can cause a lot of damage to your property. To help avoid a repeat of the deep freeze issues from 2021 and 2002 from the winter storms Uri and Elliott, we've compiled a list of protective measures you can take against winter's chilly onslaught.

  1. Conduct a thorough inspection of your property's exterior, including the roof, walls, doorframes, and window frames.
  2. Walk through all vacant units or spaces, laundry rooms, offices, and storage areas. Ensure they're secure, keep the heat on and set to at least 65 degrees. Open cabinet doors in kitchens and bathrooms to circulate warm air around pipes, and make sure all drains are clear.
  3. Disconnect all hoses throughout the property. Allow faucets to drip slowly and check for any standing water on the property that could freeze.
  4. Make sure storm drains, gutters, and downspouts are free of debris.
  5. Cut back any tree branches or limbs hanging over buildings.
  6. If you have exterior sprinkler rooms, ensure the heat is turned on. Make sure everyone is aware of shut off locations should there be a pipe burst.
  7. Winterize any outdoor amenities and check pool and spa pumps for proper operation to prevent freezing pipes.
  8. Send out a communication to all residents or tenants advising them to prepare their units for the weather.
  9. Inform your staff of the severe weather and possible overtime or schedule changes needed for snow and ice removal.
  10. Check your snow removal equipment inventory and stock of salt/ice melt.

By implementing these precautionary measures, you can protect your property during the upcoming winter season. Stay warm, stay safe, and be prepared!


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